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Frugal floors
This is from The Jewish Hostess, a blog that is definitely not a frugal blog, run by a group of fabulously creative and ingenious women from the Sephardic community in my old stomping grounds, Brooklyn, New York. I check it out every week or so, for the same reason that I like to watch Martha Stewart: so that I can become really cognizant of my own many inadequacies. These women are incredible hostesses and really know how to throw a meal.
Here is a post from one of them, Lenore Mizrachi (follow her on Twitter @thatartistgirl), who just got married and moved into an apartment that came with an ugly, permanently dirty linoleum kitchen floor (been there, done that). She completely redid the floor, frugally and elegantly: she painted it! Directions are in her blog post. She did all of it for (gulp) under $100...extremely impressive...big wow. I love frugal home makeovers that turn out this beautifully.
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This is really fabulous. I'm wondering if we can pull this off AFTER Pesach. And seeing the rest of the website, I too feel inadequate.
ReplyDeleteOrtho, LOL. It's inspiring though, no? Like maybe I'll actually put a vase full of flowers on my seder table this year.