Remember about two weeks ago, when I
whined talked about my crock pot breaking? And I
embarked on my noble frugal quest to replace it with a much pricier, 3 crock-model, but I wanted to do it for not more than $45? Well, I got there.
That is, I almost got there. $46.55. So, I'm a about a buck-fifty-five over the limit I set, but I'll forgive myself, because I have not seen this model slow cooker for this price
ANYWHERE. And I got free shipping, which always puts me in My Happy Place.
Before I tell you how or where, first let me address a question asked of me by no less than three DailyCheapskate readers via email, that is, why am I going for such an expensive slow cooker (
suggested retail price, $69.99) when there are plenty of models to be had for $20-$30? Well, Gabby, Chani and Chrissa, here's the story.
I hate wasting food. It is a major pet peeve of mine. It is also a major downfall of mine. I often overcook when it's just my husband and me for a meal, and to be perfectly honest, we are not great about eating leftovers. Leftover chulent or stew is really not high up on my gastronomical delight list, and the food often goes down the garbage disposal. This kills me. I find it ironic that I work so hard to save money and then waste it with very little effort.
This pricier model slow cooker comes with three size crocks, 2-, 4-, and 6-quart (all nesting inside each other for easy storage, another
must in my teeny-tiny kitchen). The 2-quart size will be perfect when it's just Joshua and me. The 4-quart size will suit us when we have one family over for a Shabbat meal. The 6-quart size will work on those cold, snowy winter Denver Shabbatot, when we are feeding a small crowd of guests. Three sizes, much less food wasted. I think in the long run, this pricier slow cooker will
actually save us money.
Quality-wise, it seems to outshine other models. It got all 5-star reviews on the Target site, 4 1/2-stars on Amazon, and (nothing like a personal review) my friend, Sally, owns it and raves about it. My previous slow cooker was a Rival brand 6-quart crockpot that I snagged on sale for $15 and it barely lasted two years (even though so far, the identical one that I bought for Pesach has been great, though it has been used a total of two weeks in two years, but ok). I am really hoping this Hamilton Beach version will be a keeper. Oh, and the crocks and lid all go safely in the dishwasher. That's another must.
So now you know why. Now we're back to how and where. I did end up buying it at Home Depot as I said I would
back here (though J & R Music World had a cheaper price and no tax, they charged a small fortune, $15, on shipping):
- First, I clicked through the ShopAtHome link to Home Depot, to make sure that I got my 3% cash back. (Remember, you must be a member of and signed into your account to get this great cash back deal. Not a member of yet? It's free. Click here to join and get $5 cash just for signing up and using their site to make a purchase within 30 days.)
- The 3-in-1 slow cooker that I wanted was priced at $57.99 on
- I used the promo code RESELLERRATINGS to get $10 off (Hat tip to Kollel Budget for finding that code.) This was the deal kicker, since it gave me about 17% off.
- Shipping was free to my home, since my purchase was just over $45.
- Total on the Home Depot site (sans tax) was $47.99. My 3% cash back will bring it down to a grand total of $46.55, shipped.
<Round of admiring applause.> Quest complete. All hail the conquering Cheapskate.