Real Simple magazine is one of the priciest (and one of the most sought-after) magazine subscriptions out there. It has a
cover price of $4.99 (which translates into $59.88 for the year over 12 issues) and its annual subscription price everywhere is a little less than half of that,
Amazon has got a great deal on a 1-year subscription to Real Simple for $5.00 PER YEAR, which is the same price for one issue on the newstand! At $5.00 per year, that's 12 issues for 42 cents per issue!
By the way, if you already have a subscription to
Real Simple, this is also good on renewals as well (just use the same name and address that you used to subscribe; check your magazine mailing label). Your subscription will be extended by another 12 issues.
It does auto-renew, but no worries, here's what you do to fix that: right after you subscribe,
under your Amazon account, click on the Manage Magazine Subscriptions link, find
Real Simple and deselect the auto-renewal option. Voila, no more auto-renewal!