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Amazon Prime members: get free entertainment channel services trials, Showtime, Starz or Seeso; no cable account necessary

For a limited time, Amazon Prime members (or even Amazon Prime free trial members) can get a free trial of the following entertainment channel services (listed below) to watch directly through Amazon Video. You don't need to have any sort of cable subscription to access these. This is great added value for your Prime membership!

Once you sign up for a free trial, all of the movies and TV programming included with the subscription are then available to watch on demand, on all compatible Amazon Video devices (TVs, Blu-ray players, Amazon Fire TV, Fire TV Stick, Fire tablets, computers, and Android and iOS mobile devices).

Once you're past the trial period, if you decide to keep the subscription, be aware that Amazon video subscriptions don't have any setup or cancellation fees, nor do they have a minimum duration—as long as you're an eligible Prime member, you can start and cancel them at any time.

(Premium channel subscriptions that you have with your cable or satellite provider, and standalone subscriptions you've purchased directly from the subscription provider are separate services, and cannot be used with Amazon Video.)

To cancel your free subscription, just go to your Amazon membership dashboard and cancel.

Free 7-Day Showtime trial; after 7 days, you will be charged $8.99 per month.

Free 7-Day Starz trial; after 7 days, you will be charged $8.99 per month.

Free 30-Day Seeso trial; after 30 days, you will be charged $3.99 per month (Original and Classic Comedy: Series, Stand-Up Specials and more).

Amazon disclaimer:  Amazon prices can change without warning, so make sure you double-check the price at checkout.  If the price goes up any time after this deal is posted, Amazon is not responsible for matching this price.

This post may contain affiliate links, which means you help support Daily Cheapskate when you make a purchase through these links. Read the full disclosure here.

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