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LOWEST PRICE: Proctor Silex toaster oven (model #31122) for $19.99 on Amazon; FANTASTIC Passover buy!

Amazon has got this Proctor Silex toaster oven (model #31122) for $19.99 with free Prime/SuperSaver shipping, the lowest recorded Amazon price on this appliance.  It got 4.1 out of 5 stars over 26 customer reviews.  Toaster ovens are NOT kasherable, so this is a great investment in future Passovers to come. We use our toaster oven to make matzoh pizza, veggie-tuna melts, etc. on Pesach.

  • Fits 4 slices or a 9" pizza
  • Toast, bake, broil functions
  • 3 knob controls
  • 30 minute timer with ready bell and auto shutoff
  • Adjustable temperature 150F-450F

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