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LOWEST PRICE: FitBit Alta Fitness Tracker for $69.99 on Amazon

Amazon has got the FitBit Alta Fitness Tracker for $69.99 with free Prime shipping, the lowest recorded Amazon price on the Alta.  This price applies to the size small only, in the silver/plum and silver/black colors. It got 4.0 out of 5 stars over 9,391 customer reviews.
  • Track your activity levels, sleep patterns, and more with the black Fitbit Alta Activity Tracker in size small. This sleek band uses an array of sensors to keep track of how many steps you take, how far you walk, how many floors you climb, the number of calories you burn, and the time you spend active. It connects to your smartphone via Bluetooth and syncs its data wirelessly while providing you with notifications, workout assistance, and more on its OLED tap display.
  • Alta syncs automatically and wirelessly to computers and 200+ leading iOS, Android and Windows devices using Bluetooth 4.0 wireless technology. Syncing to computers requires Internet connection and USB port. Syncing to mobile devices requires Bluetooth and Internet connection. Syncing range: 20 feet
  • Water Resistance: Alta is sweat, rain, splash proof. You can wear Alta in the shower, but we recommend rinsing and drying it afterwards because it's best for your skin if the band stays clean and dry. Battery life: lasts up to 5 days. Radio transceiver: Bluetooth 4.0
    We recommend charging your device every few days to ensure you are always tracking. Charge time: One to two hours
  • Syncs with Windows Vista and later, Mac OS X 10.6 and up, iPhone 4S and later, iPad 3 gen. and later, and leading Android and Windows devices

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