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LOWEST PRICE: Rachael Ray Stoneware Oil Dispenser for $8.59 on Amazon

Amazon has got the Rachael Ray Stoneware EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil) Dispensing Bottle in green for $8.59 with free Prime/SuperSaver shipping, the lowest recorded Amazon price on this item (other colors are more). These cruets received 4.5 out of 5 stars over 898 customer reviews.
  • 24-ounce cruet has a flat bottom and narrow neck so it can hold a generous amount of oil or vinegar with controlled and easy pouring
  • Nonporous, glazed interior so the inside stays dark, protecting olive oil's taste and avoiding oxidation
  • Unique, contemporary and playful design comes in an array of colors to bring style and personality to the table
  • Dishwasher Safe
  • Rachael Ray is a trademark of Ray Marks Co. LLC

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