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REMINDER: $70 off the Skybell Video Trim and how our Skybell caught a potential house-caser on video. (I cannot rave enough about our Skybell.)

Take $70 off the Skybell Video Doorbell Trim Plus Model, now just $129.99 with free shipping when you enter the promo code SKYBELLBF17 at checkout.  This is a very rare Black Friday Week deal on a fantastic product that I'm happy to rave about.

We've had the Skybell for almost a year now and we absolutely love it (you can read my review here).  Even if you have a full-fledged monitored burglar alarm, Skybell can add an extra crucial layer of protection, stopping possible burglaries BEFORE they happen. If you don't have a burglar alarm system, Skybell is a comparatively low-cost alternative (and it can come with you when you move).

We have already caught one potential house-caser on video with our Skybell.   While we live in a relatively safe neighborhood in Denver, last year, there was a ring of house burglars who would go around ringing front doorbells to see if a family was home, and then if they weren't, they would try to break in through the back door.  The video above shows our own personal experience with a potential house-caser.  Yes, we did send this video in to the Denver police department. Video doorbells have been stopping the rise of home burglaries in our neighborhood.

Skybell was awarded the Best Video Doorbell by Cnet and Wirecutter.  The new SkyBell Trim Plus does everything the old Skybell HD does, but it's a narrower design (so it will fit on your door frame) and it can run on a battery or a wire, so you don't need to even have a wired doorbell to use the Skybell Trim Plus.

Skybell has other uses besides ongoing home security. You can turn the motion detector on so that it records ANYONE coming up to your front door, including salesmen, charity collectors, or just that annoying neighbor who always comes over at the wrong time.  You can monitor and answer your doorbell remotely (it was kind of cool to tell the UPS guy where to leave my package at home in Denver when I was 2,000 miles away in New York), and you can remotely check in on your teenage kids' visitors or your elderly parents' careworkers.  Lots of potential uses.

FYI, if you're deciding between the Ring and the Skybell, I'd go with the Skybell because:
  • video recording storage is free.  Once you buy the Skybell, you pay nothing more.  With Ring, you need to pay ongoing video subscription fees.
  • Skybell has got 1080p HD video whereas Ring has got 720p HD video.
  • Skybell works in a much wider temperature range than Ring.

This special offer is not going to be around for too much longer, and Skybells rarely go on sale, so grab this deal now.

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