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Nonni's Thinaddictives in Pistachio Almond 4.4 oz. box for $2.33 on Amazon (not an Add-On)

  • So thin, so crunchy, so addictive: Your everyday snack with great taste and 0 guilt
  • Nut lover’s delight: California almonds mixed with great tasting pistachios twice backed to perfection into a thin crunchy cookie
  • Low Calorie: Treat yourself for only 100 calories per pack
  • Real Ingredients: Made with real ingredients like wheat flour, real dried fruits, and whole almonds
  • 18 per box: Individually wrapped for convenience. 3 cookies per freshness pack and 6 freshness packs per box
FYI, Nonni's Thinaddictives is under the kosher supervision of MK Kosher (Montreal V'a'ad Ha'ir) (and is on Rabbi Eidlitz's list of recommended hechsherim) and is pareve.

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