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Expecting? The four BEST baby registries to sign up for (get TONS of baby samples, discounts, and more)

Expecting a baby?  B'sha'ah tovah!  Here are the four BEST baby registries to sign up for.  With each sign-up, you get tons of baby samples, discounts and more.  If you're not comfortable sharing your good news with the world just yet (or even if you never want to make your registry public), each of these stores gives you the ability to keep the online baby registry confidential until you're ready to go public. 

AMAZONSign up for the Amazon Baby Registry here and get the following perks:
WALMARTSign up for the Walmart Baby Registry here and get the following perks:
  • FREE Welcome Box:  Get a free box of baby samples from Walmart here.  Go to the Walmart Baby Registry page and click on the box that says "Baby Welcome Box."
  • Price Match Guarantee:   If a local competitor has a lower advertised price, you get an eGift card for the difference. 
  • Free and easy returns: by mail or in-store.
  • Get the latest edition of What To Expect When You’re Expecting for $1.00 (regular price $12.79). Add to your basket, and apply promo code BABYPX3N at checkout. This benefit is available through 6/6/19.
TARGETSign up for the Target Baby Registry here and get the following perks:
  • FREE welcome kit:  Pick up your gift in-store at Guest Services for over $100 worth of coupons & handpicked samples.
  • 15% discount:  on everything left in your registry 8 weeks before your baby is due. 
  • Universal Registry
  • Group gifting
  • Easy returns and exchanges: up to a year after your due date. 
BuyBuyBabySign up for the BuyBuyBaby Registry here and get the following perks:
  • FREE Goody Bag:  Pick up your gift in-store only. Just let them know you signed up for their registry online.
  • 15% completion discount. 
  • Enjoy free shipping for your baby's first year when the value of gifts purchased from your registry exceeds $1,500. Exclusions apply

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