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Amazon Prime Day dates are now LIVE!

I checked Amazon's Prime Day page tonight and guess what? It looks like Amazon has released their 2019 Prime Day dates: Monday, July 15th and Tuesday, July 16th, 2019! A mere three weeks away!

Prime Day starts full blast on July 15th, so, WOW, 48 hours of deals deals deals!  Stay tuned, because I'm going to post all the Prime Day information as it comes out, (including those awesome Early Bird deals!).

As you know from previous years, on Prime Day, I go into turbo mode and I just don't go to sleep (thank God, I don't need all that much).  I post as many of the absolute best deals that I can bring you, and I focus in on the categories you guys all ask me about:  tech, clothing, baby, household, books, and more.  I've got a few special insider tricks up my sleeve to get hold of the best deals before the other sites get them, and I can't wait to share them with you.

FYI, Amazon's Prime Day Homepage will be located right over here, so you might want to bookmark this now.
Prime Day deals are for Prime members ONLY!  Not a member of Prime yet?  Make sure you get on the train and sign up here for Prime membership 30-day free trial. Only Prime members can take advantage of Prime Day deals.

Join Daily Cheapskate's Prime Day WhatsApp Broadcast List to never miss a single Prime Day deal!  (You must click this link on your smartphone, where you have WhatsApp installed.  It will NOT work on your computer.)

You can  also join the Daily Cheapskate Facebook page or follow Daily Cheapskate on Twitter.

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