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And now you can shop Daily Cheapskate's recommended Amazon deals right on Amazon at Amazon.com/shop/DailyCheapskate.


PRIME DAY DEAL: 200-foot Reynolds Wrap aluminum foil for $7 on Amazon

Amazon has got this 200-foot Reynolds Wrap foil for only $7.02 with free Prime shipping. Quantity limit of 5, so stock up!

Compare this price to Target (where I just bought this foil, harumph.)

Amazon's Prime Day will start at 12:01 a.m. EST on Monday, July 15 and then will continue all day on Tuesday, July 16. 48 hours of better-than-Black-Friday, deals deals deals!  

Prime Day is strictly for Amazon Prime members. Not a Prime member?  Join the free 30-day trial by clicking here.  And if you are an EBT or Medicaid recipient, you can join the reduced-fee $5.99 monthly plan by clicking here.

Subscribe to the Daily Cheapskate 2019 Prime Day WhatsApp list by opening this link on your smartphone:  http://bit.ly/PrimeDayWhatsAppList3

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