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Get a Target RedCard and snag a $40 off $40 Target coupon

Sign up for a Target RedCard (through 7/25/20) and if you're approved, you'll get a coupon for $40.00 off a $40.00 purchase. It takes almost no time at all to sign up, and it pays.  It pays a lot. 

Besides that high-value $40.00 coupon, here are the benefits:

  • 5% off EVERYTHING, ALL THE TIME.  Whether you shop in-store or online. That's 5% off the top without lifting a finger. 

  • Free shipping on Target.com.  All the time, not just pre-holiday. No minimum purchase.  (Without the RedCard. there is a $35 minimum purchase for free shipping.)

  • Get an extra 30 days to return a Target purchase.

  • No annual fee for either the RedCard credit card or debit card.

Those are "official" benefits. Here are my personal reasons for getting a Target RedCard"

  • You can get either a credit card or a debit card.  The advantage of the debit card is that there is no hard credit check pull on your name; they just hook it right up to your checking account.  With a RedCard debit card, you never have to deal with a bill.

  • You will get special offers and coupon in the mail, including some for free items.  Periodically (especially around the holiday season), Target will run "RedCard only" promotions that are truly amazing. 

  • If you get a Target Debit card, you can withdraw up to $40 cash at checkout per day.  Between this feature and being able to deposit checks on my iPhone, I don't even remember what the inside of a bank looks like any more.  What's a bank?  Seriously, this is a huge timesaver for me. 

And now for a limited time, through July 25, 2020 only, if you sign up for a RedCard, Target will send you a one-time use $40.00 off $40.00 coupon.  And yes, this is in addition to the 5% off that you'll get with your RedCard.  By the way, there are a few restrictions on the coupon use, so do read the fine print.

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