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LOWEST PRICE: Aggravation board game for $14.19 on Amazon

Amazon has Aggravation (the marble board game) for $14.19 with free Prime/SuperSaver shipping, the lowest recorded Amazon price for this item.  It received 4.6 out of 5 stars over 140 customer reviews.

Description: Aggravation is a board game for up to six players. Originally marketed in 1962 as a game for children, families soon realized that everyone enjoyed playing the fast paced, roll and move marble game. The object is to be the first player to have all four plastic marble playing pieces reach the player's home section of the board. The game's name comes from capturing an opponent's piece by landing on its space, which is known as "aggravating".  Its unique features are that the track accommodates six players, and that the game incorporates "shortcuts". There are no "safe" holes where a player's marbles cannot be captured other than the player's own base and home sections.

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