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LOWEST PRICE: Glentronics Basement Watchdog Water Sensor and Flooding Alarm for $9.97

I didn't even know that one of these existed, but when I saw it, I knew this was a must-have for any homes with a basement (like ours).

Amazon has got this Glentronics Basement Watchdog Water Sensor and Alarm for $9.97 with free Prime/SuperSaver shipping (this price is only 21 cents away from the lowest price of $9.76, but I figure, that's close enough!).  It got 4.6 out of 5 stars over 312 customer reviews.

Description:  Water damage is one of the main ways that the value of a home can be diminished. Water heaters break down and water pours out, washing machines overflow, pipes wear thin and leak, and when these things happen, water will start to destroy your home. Perhaps the most dangerous aspect of water damage is that it can occur with almost no sound; you may not know you have a leak until your basement is flooded. Now, you can minimize the risk of water damage with this water alarm. The water alarm requires only a 9-volt battery (not included), and when placed on the floor it can detect water that is only 1/32"deep. This is due to solid state circuitry which is highly reliable. The Water Alarm also has a 6-foot sensor wire, so that you can extend it into a sump pump, or simply mount it on a wall to stretch it to another location. Plus, up to an additional 100 feet of wire can easily be spliced in to provide extra length. When the water alarm detects water it emits a loud 110 decibel alarm (as loud as most car horns).  And don't worry that you will miss this alarm if you are out of the house when water is first detected - the water alarm will sound continuously for 2-3 days (depending on existing battery life). Consider one for the basement, one for the kitchen, the bathroom, or anywhere that water may become a hazard. Keep your home safe and secure with this water alarm. Battery-saver feature keeps batteries fresh longer. for 24 to 48 months.

  • Requires a 9-volt alkaline battery (not included)
  • Battery-saver feature only uses energy when the alarm is sounding for a long battery life
  • Use to detect leaks before costly water damage is caused
  • Detects as little as 1/32 -inch of water to offer an effective early warning system
  • Loud 110 dB alarm can be heard throughout the house

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