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HAPPY CHANUKAH! What's on my iPod? My favorite 8 + 1 Chanukah songs playlist

I'm reposting this list and wishing you all a very Happy Chanukah!  Check out this wonderful Chanukah video and song montage from Pella here!

I'm not sure if you actually care what my favorite Chanukah music is, but with a mere 11 days to go until we break out the menorahs, I'm starting to get into the Chanukah mood; that, and reader Shelly S, wrote in asking for suggestion for some Chanukah party music.  So here we go.

Be warned, some of these are very modern twists on some traditional Chanukah songs, so if you're a very strict music traditionalist, you'll hate these songs. I've included links to where you can buy my favorite 8 + 1 Chanukah songs; they are all $0.99 cent Amazon downloads, so go crazy.

That said:
  1. Erran Baron Cohen:  Ma'oz Tzur
  2. Erran Baron Cohen:  Dreidel
  3. Erran Baron Cohen:  Rock of Ages
  4. Marc Cohn: Rock of Ages-Maoz Tzur
  5. Le'eyla:  Haneros Halallu
  6. Peter Himmelman & David Broza: Lighting Up the World
  7. The Levees:  
  8. The Levees:  Latke Clan
And of course, for the shamash (a classic):

Adam Sandler's The Chanukah Song

And what's on your iPod?

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