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PRICE DROP: Oster large-capacity digital toaster oven for $59.99 with free shipping

As part of its Year End Deals Sale, Amazon dropped the price on this Oster digital large-capacity toaster oven (model #TSSTTVMNDG) to $59.99 with free shipping (this was $79.00 on December 2nd).  It's black with stainless steel accents, so it will go with most kitchens, and it's got digital controls.  It got 4.1 out of 5 stars over 284 customer reviews.  Here's what one buyer had to say:
This oven bakes like a dream. It bakes so evenly I never have to turn things around. Pizzas come out perfectly with a nice, crisp brown bottom. For my purposes, and the price, it bakes as well as or better than the expensive fancy countertop ovens.
  • Recognized as one of the best products of 2011 in a leading consumer research magazine.
  • 6-slice toaster oven with convection technology for faster, more even cooking.
  • Digital controls with interior light for easy viewing.
  • Extra-large interior holds 13 x 9 pan, whole chicken, casseroles, roast.
  • Removable external crumb tray; two rack positions.

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