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Amazon's Gold Box Deal of the Day: Popular MP3 Albums for $0.99 to $1.99

Amazon's Gold Box Deal of the Day is (yay!) a selection of 20 MP3 albums for just $0.99 to $1.99.  I might go a little crazy on this one.  Here are your choices:
I'm getting the Norah Jones, Simon & Garfunkel, Paul McCartney, Johnny Cash, No Doubt, Bob Marley and Motown albums.  Which ones are you getting?

Some of you have written me asking how to check your MP3 free credit balance.  There have been a plethora of free digital credit offers on Amazon lately, and it's not too clear how to check what your balance is on these credits, as the balances are not located on the same page as your regular gift card balance.  Here's how to check those balances very easily.
  1. First, make sure you're logged into your Amazon account. (If you're sure you're logged in, you can skip step 1.)
  2. Click over here.
  3. Click on the gold "Enter a code" button. You'll be rewarded with a popup that looks like this, that will reveal all of your current digital balances:

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