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$1.50 off Hershey's Simple Pleasure = free item at Rite Aid

$1.50 off 1 HERSHEY'S SIMPLE PLEASURES Chocolates

Print two of these high-value coupons for $1.50 off Hershey's Simple Pleasures chocolates and hang on to them for another week until 12/23/12, when you can snag two of these for free from Rite Aid.

  1. On 12/23/12, Hershey’s Simple Pleasures goes on sale at Rite Aid for two for $6.00.
  2. Use the 1/$1.00 coupon found in the Rite Aid Flu Shot Coupon Booklet (ask for it at the cashier).
  3. Use two of the aforementioned $1.50/1 coupons.
  4. Pay $2.00.
  5. Get a $2 +Up Reward when you buy 2 (limit 4 offers...+Up Rewards are good on future purchases).. 
  6. Final cost  is free for both bags.

HT:  Mom's Coupon Affair

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