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$5 Magazine subscriptions through Amazon

I already told you about the $5 Oprah magazine offer here, but there are a bunch of other popular magazines out on Amazon for $5 now as well.

Better Homes and Gardens, $5.00 with auto-renewal, so make sure you set a calendar alert before the subscription renews.  You can also get a year for $5.99 without auto-renewal.

Family Circle, $5.00 with auto-renewal, so make sure you set a calendar alert before the subscription renews.You can also get a year for $5.99 without auto-renewal.

Ladies Home Journal, $5.00 with auto-renewal, so make sure you set a calendar alert before the subscription renews.You can also get a year for $5.99 without auto-renewal.

Midwest Living, $5.00 with auto-renewal, so make sure you set a calendar alert before the subscription renews.

Popular Science, $5.00 with auto-renewal, so make sure you set a calendar alert before the subscription renews.

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