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And now you can shop Daily Cheapskate's recommended Amazon deals right on Amazon at Amazon.com/shop/DailyCheapskate.


Reminder: Last day to redeem the $5 off $25 Amazon offer. Don't miss out.

REMINDER:  Today is the last day to redeem the $5 off $25 offer at Amazon.


Remember this fantastic $5 off $25 Amazon promotion back here?  It's back!

Click on over here and enter the person or thing that's at the top of your shopping list and share it on Facebook. After you share it, a $5 credit on your next $25+ purchase will automatically go into your Amazon account.  It's good only on items sold by Amazon, and only on purchases on or before 12/9/12:

Upon completion of the "Share & Claim" action, a $5 off $25 or more promotional credit will be automatically applied to your Amazon account. Promotional credits must be redeemed by 11:59 PM PST on Sunday, December 9, 2012. This promotion is available to customers located and with billing addresses in the United States. Limit one promotional credit per customer. Quantity is limited.

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