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GONE: Kleenex (100 tissues) $0.66 per box

Get this 36-count pack of Kleenex tissues (100 2-ply tissues per pack) for $23.72, or $0.66 per box.
  1. Click here and then make sure you scroll down and "clip" the $7.00 coupon on the page
  2. Select the $30.72 Subscribe & Save option.  
  3. Shipping is free because it's Subscribe & Save.  
  4. Grand total, $23.72 for the 36 boxes, or $0.66 per box.  
A word about Amazon Subscribe & Save:  Selecting Subscribe & Save is pretty much risk-free, even if you are doing it just to get the additional discount. You can UNsubscribe to Subscribe & Save very easily, by going to your account as soon as your order has shipped. Even if (worse case scenario) you completely forget to unsubscribe, Amazon will not send out an additional order without shooting you a warning email first, giving you ample time to unsubscribe and cancel any additional orders in time. It's pretty much an all-win proposition. Shipping on Subscribe & Save items is always free.

HT:  MashupMom


  1. Anonymous12/02/2012

    I dont see the coupon. Is it still available?

  2. No and the Subscribe and Save option is gone too. Sorry. :( These deals go very, very quickly.

  3. Hang on, I'm going to post another Kleenex deal in about 10 minutes.


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