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Kohl's leather jacket deal is back: $64 shipped for a men's leather bomber jacket

The Kohl's leather jacket deal is back!

Kohl's has got a great deal on this Croft & Barrow men's leather jacket; just $63.99 shipped.  I actually bought this jacket for Joshua for Chanukah, and he loves it.  The leather is a nice quality, and the jacket is thick and warm, and it looks great on him.

Here's how to get it for $63.99.
  1. Add this Croft & Barrow men's leather jacket to your shopping cart, on sale for $79.99 (originally $300.00)
  2. Enter promo code JINGLE at checkout, to drop that price by 20% (or $16.00) to $63.99.
  3. Shipping is free.
  4. Your final price is $63.99, shipped. 

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