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Miniature 4" Star Wars plush dolls for $7.99 shipped

Star Wars Plush w/ sound
Get these 4" Star Wars plush dolls for $7.99 with free economy shipping from ThinkGeek.  Choose from Darth Vader, Yoda, R2D2 and Chewbacca.  There are some larger sizes for more money, but the 4" versions can be clipped to your keys, backback, laptop bag, or even the zipper of your winter coat. Each plush has a signature sound effect when you squeeze them: R2-D2 with his bleeps and bloops, Chewbacca with a Wookiee growl, Darth Vader's creepy stalker breathing, and Yoda with his patented advice for young Jedis-to-be.   Very geekified for the Star Wars junkie in your life. 

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