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Purex BOGO at Walgreen's Web Pickup

Walgreen's is running a buy-one-get-one-free (BOGO) deal on select Purex detergent items. They are also offering $5.00 off your first $20.00 "Web Pickup" order, which means you can buy the items online and pick them up at a nearby Walgreen's store and save even more.

Here's one scenario:
  1. Buy 10 of the Purex UltraPacks Liquid Laundry Detergent Free & Clear 18-count packages. They normally cost $6.49, but they are now buy-one-get-one-free for $4.79 for two packages.  Your total will be $23.95.
  2. Apply promo-code WEBPICK to your order to drop that total down by $5.00 to $18.95.  That's $1.89 per 18-count bag (or $0.11 each UltraPack)
  3. Pick up your order at a nearby Walgreen's store.  

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