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SodaStream Fountain Jet, $24

I'm a little nervous about posting this deal, as I'm not completely sure it's doable, but I feel so bad that some of you missed out on the half price deal last week, so here goes.
  1. Purchase a SodaStream Fountain Jet Soda Starter Kit from Staples, in-store (you cannot purchase this online).  They are currently marked at $79.99, but using this 20% off any breakroom item coupon (through 12/8/12, coupon is in this week's flyer), your cost will be $63.99.
  2. After your purchase, submit this Staples store rebate for $20.00. You will receive a $20 Staples gift card (not a check) for SodaStream purchases between 11/11/12 and 12/08/12. You can submit this request online via www.stapleseasyrebates.com.
  3. Submit this $20.00 manufacturer's rebate here (for purchases through 1/31/13).
  4. Total cost is $63.99 - $20.00 - $20.00 = $23.99.

I called Staples to make sure you could submit both the Staples rebate and the manufacturer's rebate, and they didn't seem to see any conflict, since only the manufacturer's rebate requires the bar code from the box, and the rebates are from two different sources.  But the manufacturer's rebate does state "Offer not valid with any other rebate or coupon."  Then again, I've used this rebate on a purchase made with a coupon and I did receive my $20 check.

If for some reason, you get turned down for one of the rebates, you'll end up paying $43.99, which is still an awesome deal on a SodaStream kit, so I think it's worth a shot.

1 comment:

  1. If you install and check in with the staples app in store you get a $10 OFF $75 IN STORE COUPON which you can apply for this purchase bringing t down another $10. It worked for me yesterday not just waiting for my rebates.


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