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Vibram shoes for $54.98 shipped

Tanga is having a huge sale on Vibram shoes, in both men's and women's styles, with many sizes still available.  They've got 15 styles priced at $49.99.  Shipping is $4.99 per pair, and if you use Paypal to pay for them, you can get free return shipping (no risk).

These minimalist shoes offer a more natural alternative for different outdoor activities. These shoes can actually help make the foot healthier, strengthen muscles in the feet and lower legs and improve range of motion.

I don't know if you've heard of these innovative athletic shoes yet but they have become a very hot item in Colorado and have received excellent reviews. These shoes usually sell for $80 and more and rarely go on sale.

The Tanga sale on Vibram shoes is only until 12/6/12, 7:00 p.m. EST.

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