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"Frozen" treat bags 8-pack for $3.65 and 12-pack of "Frozen" gift bags for $10.75 (great Mishloach Manot idea)

From your emails, a lot of you are doing Frozen themes for your Mishloach Manot (aka Shalach Manos, aka Purim baskets) and are finding it a challenge to buy low-cost Frozen bags and boxes.

Though technically these are party loot bags, with a little ingenuity, they can easily become Mishloach Manot bags.  Amazon has got a set of 8 Frozen loot bags for only $3.65 (or 46 cents per bag).  This is an Amazon Add-On item, which means that it ships for free with a $25 minimum order if you are an Amazon Prime member (and the $3.65 price counts towards that $25), or each ships for free with a $35 minimum order if you're not a Prime member.

If you'd like to use something larger than a party loot bag, these Frozen gift bags are a great choice, but they are pricier, $10.75 with free Prime/SuperSaver shipping for a dozen, or $0.90 each. (Frozen is so popular right now, it was a challenge to find a Frozen gift bag for less than a dollar apiece.)

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