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More Early bird Passover deals: KFP herbal tea, as low as $1.75 per box with free shipping.

Forget about the traditional Wissotszky Passover tea that costs upwards of $3.50 per box!  If you've been reading Daily Cheapskate for a while, you might remember that Bigelow makes quite a few varieties of KLP teas, under the Kof-K hechsher.  And these teas are delicious; I drink their Plantation Mint flavor year round.  But you don't want to order them from the Bigelow site as they are quite a bit more expensive there.

However, Amazon has got a few flavors of KFP (kosher for Passover) Bigelow tea in packages of six for as low as $1.75 per box of 20 tea bags!  That's even less expensive than most herbal tea is during the year. 

Because there are Subscribe & Save deals, you don't need to have a Prime account to get the free shipping, but make sure to adjust your Subscribe and Save shipping date to ensure that it arrives before Pesach. Order these with friends and then mix and match for some real Pesach tea bargains.  

Make sure you look for the Kof-K-P on the box itself when the tea arrives, which ensures that it is KFP.

One more frugal thought:  KLP tea that is packaged up nicely also makes for a great hostess gift. 

If you're unfamiliar with Subscribe & Save deals, or would just like a few tips on how best to use the Subscribe & Save program, read my shpiel on Subscribe & Save strategies here.

Remember that you don't need to be a member of Amazon Prime to get free shipping on ANY Amazon Subscribe & Save deal...shipping is free for anyone.

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