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Highly-rated Letter Train & Piano Activity Table for $22.00 at Walmart

Wow!  Walmart has got this very highly-rated Letter Train & Piano Activity Table for $22.00 with free in-store pickup (or free shipping with a $50 minimum order or $4.97 shipping).  4.6 out of 5 stars over 37 customer reviews.  Compare this price to Amazon's.

Description:  Help educate your children about letters and words with the Letter Train & Piano Learning Activity Table. To active an Alphabet song, simply push the train engine on the alphabet track. This Children Activity Table features a five-note piano keyboard with flashing lights accompanied by fun melodies. The train whistle, gearshift, spinner, sliding bee and flapping butterfly all provide fun sound effects that help stimulate your child's mind. The Baby Activity Table teaches about animals, colors and shapes. It makes learning an exciting experience and is designed to hold your child's attention with vibrant colors and sounds. The table also features detachable legs that change the stand-up table activity center to floor play. The Letter Train & Piano Learning Activity Table is constructed from plastic for strength, and it requires 3 AA batteries, which are not included.
  • 12 - 24 Months
  • Alphabet table with simple learning and play activities
  • Push train engine on alphabet track to activate Alphabet song
  • 5-note piano keyboard with flashing lights
  • Fun melodies and flashing lights
  • Train whistle, gearshift, spinner, sliding bee and flapping butterfly provide fun sound effects

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