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LOWEST PRICE: Fisher-Price Smart Stages Power Plus 3-in-1 Swing N Rocker for $97.99 with free shipping on Amazon

Amazon has got the very highly-rated Fisher-Price Smart Stages Power Plus 3-in-1 Swing N Rocker for $97.99 with free shipping, the lowest Amazon recorded price for this versatile item (yesterday it was priced at $125.99.)  FYI, Newegg has it for $149.99.

This 3-in-1 converts from an open top swing to an infant seat to a toddler rocker (see pictures below). Talk about a baby item that grows with your child!  It got 4.8 out of 5 stars over 17 customer reviews and it's about the cleverest baby item I've seen in a long time.

Description:   A refresh of the Smart Stages 3 in 1 Swing 'n Rocker with updated aesthetics, all new features, and new fashion. The 3 in 1 Swing 'n Rocker is three products in one. It is a full size open top swing, an infant seat and a toddler rocker. The seat easily removes from the swing frame to be used as an infant seat with calming vibrations or a toddler rocker when child is older. The swing has 6 speeds with Smart Swing Technology, ten songs, 2 sound effects with volume control, and a removable toy bar with two toys. The infant seat has fold out kickstand for feeding or sleeping. The toddler rocking chair accommodates a child up to 40 pound This deluxe option includes an AC plug to save on batteries.

  • It is a full size open top swing, an infant seat and a toddler rocker
  • 6 speeds with Smart Swing Technology, ten songs, 2 sound effects with volume control
  • Removable toy-bar with two toys
  • Fold out kickstand for feeding or sleeping
  • Includes an AC plug to save on batteries

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