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LOWEST PRICE: Rotating 5-Tier Closet Organizer for $14.14 on Amazon

Amazon has got this Smart Carousel 5-Shelf Organizer for $14.14 with free Prime/SuperSaver shipping (the lowest recorded Amazon price for this organizer).  This received 4.4 out of 5 stars over 245 customer reviews.  You can use it to organize your clothes closet, but you can also use it for your kids' toys, crafts, the front hall coat closet, etc., anywhere that attracts clutter (see pictures below).  It rotates a full 360 degrees.

Description:  The Smart Carousel 5-Shelf Organizer combines style with function. This closet organizer includes five shelves and 40 pockets, allowing you to keep your closet organized. The 40 pockets are designed for shoes and the five shelves provide you with additional storage space to store clothes, shoes, purses, sweaters, linens, arts, crafts and even toys. It contains a tension loop that helps to retain the shape of the organizer. This Smart Carousel Organizer spins 360 degrees for easy accessibility. The Hanging Closet Organizer is ideal for use in small rooms or apartments where space is limited. Create a closet that is neat, organized and in which it is easy to locate any item you need with ease. Smart, convenient and versatile, this shelf organizer makes things simple.
  • VentilAir breathable material keeps items fresh
  • 5 sturdy tension steel loop shelves and 40 pockets
  • 360 degree swivel hook gives full access to every item
  • Multi-purpose organizer for shoes, purses crafts, toy, clothing and accessories
  • Unique patented technology organizes any closet

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