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Mishloach Manot pre-packaged food fillers

If you've got a ton of Mishloach Manot (aka Shalach Manos, aka Purim Food Packages) to put together, you are probably looking for three things:  good stuff, originality and decent prices.

Unfortunately, when you buy goodies that are already pre-packaged in snack sizes or smaller, you are going to generally pay for the convenience, so at some point, you'll need to weigh if your time is worth buying something in bulk and separating it into baggies yourself, or paying a bit more for the time-saving ease of having the stuff already separated out.  Confession:  as frugal as I am, my time is worth a great deal to me, and I generally opt for the latter. 

Here are two ideas for some pre-packaged items that I found on Amazon that won't break your Purim budget. More to come.

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