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REMINDER: Sign up for Personal Capital and get a free $10 Amazon Gift Card (easiest $20 my husband and I made this month)

Just a reminder that this must-do offer is still available.  Between my husband and me, by far, the easiest $20 we made this month!  Definite no-brainer.

Personal Capital is a free online tool that allows you to connect all your financial accounts to track your portfolios, savings, and credit card spending.  It's similar to Mint.com, but I think it has a lot more practical and robust features.  It's like Mint on steroids.

Personal Capital is currently offering a limited-time promotion:  get a $10 Amazon gift card sign-on bonus when you click through this link, create a new Personal Capital account and link at least one bank or investment account (credit card accounts and Paypal accounts don't count for the promotion).  This is my referral link, and I'll also get a $10 gift card if you sign up through the link, so thanks.  If you sign up without going through the link, you won't get the gift card.

I signed up myself and my husband, and we both got our gift cards via email as soon as we linked an account, though they say that it can take up to 72 hours to get the Amazon gift card.

If you prefer to use your smartphone or tablet instead of your computer, you can also sign up and qualify for the promotional offer via a smartphone or tablet app when you click here (again, my referral link).  I like the app quite a lot; it's a little more streamlined than their website.  When you click through this link, it will ask you for your smartphone cell number, and it will text you a link so that you can download the Personal Capital app on your smartphone or tablet.  As long as you download it through the referral link, you will also qualify for the $10 gift card bonus.

Fine print:  The Personal Capital Referral Program/Amazon.com Gift Card* promotion is valid to existing Personal Capital and first time customers who registered with Personal Capital through the referral offer page and have linked at least one financial account any time on or after 12 midnight PT Thursday, January 22, 2014.  If you are a referral, you must be an existing customer of Personal Capital and have linked at least one financial account. You must also refer friends using a unique referring URL that Personal Capital has provided in order to receive credit of the referral.  Personal Capital at all times reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to end the promotion at any time.

*Amazon.com is not a sponsor of this promotion. Except as required by law, Amazon.com Gift Cards ("GCs") cannot be transferred for value or redeemed for cash. GCs may be used only for purchases of eligible goods on Amazon.com or certain of its affiliated websites. For complete terms and conditions, see www.amazon.com/gc-legal. GCs are issued by ACI Gift Cards, Inc., a Washington corporation. All Amazon ®, TM & © are IP of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. No expiration date or service fees.

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