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ShopSmart magazine (from Consumer Reports) for $14.96 per year with promo code

If you are a regular Daily Cheapskate reader and love frugal deals, I'm sure you are going to love the discount on this particular magazine. ShopSmart magazine has got a newsstand cover price of $5.99 per issue (!!!).  I find it a little ironic that a magazine about saving money is so expensive on the newsstand, but like its parent magazine, Consumer Reports, it doesn't accept outside advertising, so it relies more heavily on subscription revenues.  DiscountMags has got it for $22.90 per year (6 issues per year), which is a nice rate, but we can do better.

Today through tomorrow, 2/6/15-2/7/15, click here and enter promo code DAILYCHEAPSKATE at checkout, and you'll score a one-year subscription to ShopSmart for $14.96.  I'm sure you can do the math on that one!  It's basically less than half the newsstand price.   It's from the reputable folks at DiscountMags, so there are no tricks, no auto-renewal, no strings, and it works on both new subscriptions and renewals.  You can snag this rate for one year only.

If you're unfamiliar with ShopSmart, it's the new shopping strategist magazine put out by the same company as Consumer Reports. It's full of unbiased shopping advice to help its readers find the best products and services for home, yard, health, fitness, food, electronics, family, autos and more.  As someone who loves smart purchasing strategies, I lovelovelove this magazine.

This post may contain affiliate links, which means you help support Daily Cheapskate when you make a purchase through these links.  Read the full disclosure here.

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