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Walmart Savings Catcher, how do I love thee?

I posted about the Walmart Savings Catcher back here, and I cannot tell you how much I love this Walmart shopping feature.  Since it went live, I've snagged over $77 to my Bluebird account, which will easily pay for two weeks of Walmart groceries for us.

Just to review, here's how it works.  You enter your Walmart receipt number into the Savings Catcher application (or you scan your receipt number with your smartphone) and wait for a few days.  Savings Catcher will run price comparisons for the items that you bought to all the local sales and flyers.  In other words, it price matches for you.  And the best part of Savings Catcher is that even if you use a coupon to purchase an item, it will still price match on the original, undiscounted price.

I had a bunch of free Coca Cola 12-pack coupons that I received from My Coke Rewards, and I redeemed some of them at Walmart.  The coupons are good for 12-packs of Coke products priced up to $4.99, and the ones I got at Walmart were priced at $4.69.

Now I would never pay $4.69 for a 12-pack of Diet Coke.  I usually pay about $2.50 when I stock up on 12-packs.  But it didn't really matter to me how much they cost, because with the coupon, I got them for free.

But Walmart price-matched on the $4.69 price!  It found a cheaper price at Albertson's of $3.50 and it gave me back the $1.19 and then Walmart doubled it because I'm redeeming my rewards with my BlueBird card.  That's $2.38 that I "earned" on a free item!  And this applies to any item on which you use a coupon.  How great is that?

What I love the most about Savings Catcher is that it requires zero effort.  Short of scanning the receipt number and entering the date of my shopping trip, I did nothing.  How appealing is that?

If you're a Walmart shopper, I strongly suggest you bookmark the Savings Catcher or download the smartphone app (free) and use it after every shopping trip.  These savings really pile up, and if you redeem it on your Bluebird card, they double through the end of February.

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