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EARLY BLACK FRIDAY DEAL: 30% off one item at Creative Kidstuff; 100-piece Magna Tiles set (the real one, not a knockoff) for $83.99!!!

This 100-piece clear Magna-Tile set is priced at $119.99, but enter promo code MUSTHAVE today and that price will drop by 30% to $84.99.  You can get multiples of this set if you like, so you can buy gifts or pick up some for friends; no quantity limits

This 30% off promo code works on their Magna Tiles setsLEGO setsSTEM toysMelissa & DougPlaymobil, (and anything else at Creative Kidstuff that is not on sale, marked down or in the outlet.  Kidkraft items are also excluded from the discount).  

I've found Creative Kidstuff prices to be extremely competitive in many cases (though not all, so make sure you check), often beating out Amazon, Target, Walmart and others, so you could potentially snag some excellent deals here using this promotion

Even with the shipping costs, this is by far one of the lowest prices I've ever seen on the original (not a knockoff) 100-piece Magna Tiles set!  This promo code is good today only, and Creative KidStuff has been known to run out of stock on Magna Tiles in previous years, so hurry!

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