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FREE Toogli Teething Necklace on Amazon (value $14.98) for Prime members

Many, many thanks to my friend Mor S. for telling me about this so that I can share it with you!

Toogli is offering a full rebate on this Toogli Teething Necklace, and this offer is 100% for real because I bought it last night, and Toogli, true to their promise, sent me a full rebate on Paypal this morning. I'm so impressed with this company!

Follow these instructions closely. Here's what you do:  click here to initiate the search for "teething necklace for mom" on Amazon (it will be automatic!) and go to the page where you'll find the Toogli Teething Necklace for $14.98 (I found it on the 2nd page but your search results may be different.  The second time I searched, it showed up on the 1st page).  

Purchase the Toogli Teething Necklace for $14.98 with free Prime/SuperSaver shipping.  If you have Amazon Prime, that necklace will be free (if you don't there will be a small shipping fee). 

While I can't vouch for this offer or how long they will continue to offer it, I can say that I did this myself and Toogli honored it in less than 12 hours.  Great baby FREEBIE!  The Toogli Teething Necklace got 4.6 out of 5 stars over 404 customer reviews.

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