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This week's BEST Amazon and Jet deals in tissues, toilet paper and paper towels (The Golden Trifecta of Household Needs, week of 12/4/16)

I know, I know.  I'm supposed to post this on Sunday. It's Tuesday. I know. 

The three most requested items on my "Can you find a deal on....?" list are the ones we use and need all the time, tissues, toilet paper, and paper towels, AKA The Golden Trifecta of Household Needs, and the two go-to places for deals on these items seem to be Amazon and Jet.com.

Please note that in the deals below, the quantities might be on the larger side, only because in each case, I wanted to bring the total order up to $35.00 for free shipping.  If you are buying other items on Jet or are taking advantage of more than one deal here, you don't need to buy as much if you don't want to, as long as your total is $35.00 or more before any discounts are applied. 

Here are this top-of-the-week's deals:




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