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Coleman 1-Gallon Jug for $6.92 on Amazon (LIMIT 4)

This is an Amazon Add-On item, which means that it ships for free with a $25 minimum order if you are an Amazon Prime member (and its price of $6.92 counts towards that $25), or it ships for free with a $49 minimum order if you're not a Prime member.  You can buy multiples of this item to help get you to your $25 or $49 minimum for free shipping.  (Other Amazon Add-On item deals can be found here.)

Description:  Keep enough ice-cold water to stay cool and hydrated on sweltering days with a Coleman 1 Gallon Beverage Cooler. The wide mouth top makes for easy filling, including adding ice by the handful. The flip spout makes grabbing a quick drink easy, and it won't snag open to better prevent spills. The bail handle makes carrying easy, and the screw-top lid stays secure, so no matter where you go you'll always have a refreshing drink ready for you.

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