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NEW LOWEST PRICE: LEGO Awesome Ideas book for $11.99 on Amazon

Amazon has got the super-popular Daniel Lipkowitz LEGO Awesome Ideas Book in hardcover for $11.99 with free Prime/SuperSaver shipping, the lowest recorded Amazon price on this book (fyi, compare to B&N's price).  It got 4.4 out of 5 stars over 212 customer reviews. 

Description:  LEGO® Awesome Ideas is an all-new ideas book that unlocks the secrets of LEGO building and shows fans how to create a world with their imagination. Beautifully clear photography and informative text demonstrates how entire models are built up while also providing step-by-step visual breakdowns and offering alternative ways to build models.  Explore each chapter as it steadily creates a themed world and ultimately showcases a dynamic diorama of the complete build, showing readers that they too can build up an entire LEGO world from scratch — model by model, brick by brick.  With creative model ideas and visual tips and techniques, LEGO Awesome Ideas will inspire anyone, from beginners to accomplished builders.

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