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TODAY 12/24/17 ONLY: Get $20 worth of stock on Stockpile for $7.50 (with promo code)

UPDATED for 12/24/17 ONLY:  Use promo code WOW25 on the Groupon and get $20 worth of stock for (gulp) $7.50!!!

When I was 20 years old, I graduated from college, landed a job in a New York media-buying agency, and knew exactly nothing about money and investing.  Less than nothing.  Fortunately, I had a boss at work who mentored me, and he taught me how the stock market worked, what a P/E ratio meant, and how important it was to invest (and a million other pieces of financial wisdom). For that I am eternally grateful.  The world of investing can be incredibly intimidating to young adults, and it's important to learn investment skills early on, because, as cliched as it sounds, it is never too early to start saving and growing your money.

Enter Stockpile.  Stockpile is a site (and an app) that allows you to buy fractional shares of stock and also allows you to easily gift stock (or fractional shares of stocks) to family and friends with "stock gift cards," starting at only $5.00.  Yes, $5.00.

So you can actually gift $5.00 worth of a share of Google to your 21-year old niece, allowing her to dip a toe into the pool of smart investing and wealth-building.  You can gift $20.00 worth of a share of Amazon to your grandson. Etc.  This is a fantastic way to introduce young adults to finance and the stock market.  They can continue investing with small amounts, if they so choose, and Stockpile members pay only 99 cents per trade.  I love the idea of getting young people involved in investing early on, as well as being able to invest with small amounts of money.

Here are two fantastic Stockpile promotions that are currently live:
  1. Groupon has got a $20.00 Stockpile voucher for $10.00 TODAY 12/24/17, USE PROMO CODE OW25 TO GET THIS $20.00 GROUPON FOR $7.50!!  That means you can own or gift $20.00 worth of a stock for only $10.00 $7.50. (To me, this was a no-brainer and I bought it right away.  You can make an easy profit on this almost immediately.)  You need to redeem the voucher on the Stockpile website by opening an account.  You can keep the $20.00 worth of stock or gift it to someone.  

  2. Stockpile will send FREE $5.00 stock giftcards to "any kid, teen, and young adult you know."  All you need to do is enter their names and email addresses here. The recipient has until 1/31/18 to open a Stockpile account and redeem the gift card for a $5.00 fraction of a share of either Google, Apple, Tesla, Facebook, or Disney.  Stockpile's terms:   Limit one gift redemption per customer. Recipients must be US residents who do not have a Stockpile account. Each $5 gift will convert into fractional shares of stock when the gift is redeemed into a Stockpile trading account (e.g., a $5 gift converts into 0.1 shares for a stock trading at $50). Free gifts must be redeemed for stock by January 31, 2018. Securities transactions executed by Stockpile Investments, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC. Stockpile reserves the right to modify or suspend this offer at any time to prevent abuse or fraud or for any other reason. 
FYI, if you would like to gift stock or a fractional share of a stock to a minor, that minor can have a custodial account at Stockpile, which basically means it would be managed by an adult and then when the minor comes of age, he/she would take ownership and control of the account.  This is great way to start investing in your kids' ( or grandkids', nieces', nephews', etc.) future!

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