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Love fried foods but not what they do to your diet? Check out my take on the Royal Copper Crisper Tray Air Fryer for $19.95 on Amazon

Amazon has got this Royal Copper Crisper Tray Air Fryer for $19.95 with free Prime shipping.  It got 4.4 out of 5 stars over 97 customer reviews.

I've been trying like crazy to permanently cut out fried foods from my diet and life because they are so unhealthy and fattening, but honestly, they taste really good.  I've been considering buying one of those pricey air fryer machines, but I thought I'd try out a less expensive way of air-frying first.  I'd rather not spend the money and I don't have the room for yet another bulky appliance in my kitchen.

Honestly, I was pretty skeptical when I bought this Crisper Tray Air Fryer; I mean the concept of letting air circulate around the food in the oven to crisp it seemed way too oversimplified.

But the good news is: it works. And it works really, really well.

For my first test, I made the ultimate fried food temptation: French fries (the round, sliced kind, because I'm lazy).

I started out by just slicing up a raw potato and baking it on the Crisper Tray Air Fryer.  I sprayed the left half of the potatoes with a 1-second spritz of olive oil cooking spray because I wanted to see if that made a difference in the way the food cooked.

I put the pan in an 350 degree oven for 20 minutes (no turning) and this was the result. The potatoes were delicious and they were just as good as conventional French fries.  They were crisp outside, and soft inside.  The ones I sprayed with a tiny bit of olive oil tasted a slightly better, but the difference in taste was really negligible. I'm going to skip the oil all together next time and save the calories. My husband, Joshua, and I gobbled these down in a few minutes.

My one complaint about this pan is that it is kind of on the smaller side and it held only two large Yukon potatoes worth of "fries," but as my husband pointed out, that will definitely help us out with portion control.  (Still, I do wish the pan was a little bigger.)

After the fries, I made "fried" tilapia, and once again, met with success.  I seasoned the frozen tilapia fillets with a bit of Italian dressing, put them on the tray (still frozen), popped them in a 350 oven for 15 minutes and voila, fried fish, flaky and delicious.  Two for two.  (Tomorrow, I'm going to try chicken wings.) 

The Crisper Tray Air Fryer is dishwasher safe (an absolute MUST for me).  The food you make on the tray does not require any defrosting, flipping or turning, cooks quickly, and the food releases easily without pre-treating the tray with any oils or fat.

5 stars from me and easily worth the $19.95 price. 

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