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Get ready! Amazon Prime Day 2018

This morning, TechRadar reported that they found a banner that was accidentally posted on the Amazon UK website that said that Prime Day will start midday on Monday, July 16 and then will continue all day on Tuesday July 17.

There is no word from Amazon confirming these dates, so I'm still waiting for the official press release from Amazon, but if these dates are real, then WOW, 36 hours of deals deals deals!  

As you know from previous years, on Prime Day, I just don't go to sleep (thank God, I don't need all that much).  I post as many of the absolute best deals that I can bring you, and I focus in on the categories you guys all ask me about:  tech, clothing, baby, household, books, and more.  I've got a few special insider tricks up my sleeve to get hold of the best deals before the other sites get them, and I can't wait to share them with you.

Assuming this date is correct, this leaves a mere 25 days until Prime Day. Here's one thing you can do right now to prepare: sign up for my Daily Cheapskate Prime Day What's App group.  Do it now so that you won't forget.  This list will only be used for Prime Day information and deals and nothing else.  I don't care if you un-join the list as soon as Prime Day is over, just make sure you join up before 7/16/18. 

The Daily Cheapskate Prime Day What's App group is a great way to make sure you don't miss out on the best  Daily Cheapskate Prime Day deals without constantly having to check Facebook, Twitter, or the Daily Cheapskate website.  Open this What's App invite on your smart phone now.  (Please note that this group is completely separate from the regular Daily Cheapskate What's App group.)

Now that the date has been leaked, it's a pretty sure bet that Amazon will be releasing their official Prime Day press report soon, so stay tuned, because I'm going to post all the Prime Day information as it comes out, (including those awesome Early Bird deals!).

FYI, Amazon's Prime Day Homepage will be located right over here, so you might want to bookmark this now.

UPDATE:  Because of some pretty awful spamming, I've shut down all and any Daily Cheapskate Whats App groups and removed any public links.

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