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RECIPES: Rhodes dough sufganiyot and Shabbos Chanukah Chicken Soup

If you've been reading DailyCheapskate for a while, you know about my love affair with Rhodes bread dough.  Rhodes dough is versatile, very reasonably priced, and most importantly, delicious.

With Chanukah just around the corner, here's my Rhodes Dough Sufganiyot Recipe guest posted on the Rhodes blog back in 2011.

And my Shabbos Chanukah soup recipe is below.  It's nothing fancy or complicated, just basically my regular Shabbat chicken soup recipe with special Chanukah noodles.  If you are partial to your own chicken soup recipe, go ahead and use it with the noodles.  Enjoy.

  • 1 large leek, cleaned, checked and chopped
  • 6 chicken necks or 3 turkey necks
  • 2 chicken bottoms
  • 3 large wild carrots, peeled and sliced diagonally
  • 2 yellow zucchini, sliced diagonally
  • 1 parsnip, peeled and diced
  • 1 turnip, peeled and diced
  • 1 t. dried chives
  • 4 frozen cubes dill
  • 1 package lasagna noodles
  • Chanukah cookie cutters (menorah and dreidel shapes...you can get them here if you don't already own them)
On the Thursday night before, combine the leeks, necks, chicken, carrots, zucchini, parsnip, turnip, chives and dill in a stockpot of salted water, and bring to a boil.  Reduce heat to a simmer. The soup should cook at a simmer all night.  Shut it off the next morning, let it cool and sit, skim the fat off the top, and then reheat right before Shabbos.  Now on to the noodles.

In a separate pot, cook the lasagna noodles in salted water until they are al dente. Drain, rinse with cold water and let the noodles cool.  (Kashrut tip:  if you boiled the noodles in a fleishig pot and your cookie cutters are pareve, let the noodles cool completely before using the cutters.)  Lay the cooked noodles out flat on a cutting board and press out the menorah and dreidel shapes with your Chanukah cookie cutters.  Keep the cut-out shapes wrapped in wax paper or parchment paper (so they don't stick to each other or dry out) in the fridge until you are ready to serve the soup.  You can make these up to a week in advance.

As you ladle the soup into bowls, float the noodle shapes on the top of the soup.  Voila, Shabbos Chanukah soup!

(If you have cookie cutters for various holidays or occasions, this recipe works well for any of them, i.e. crowns and graggers for Purim, etc.)

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