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LOWEST PRICE: Reader's Digest for $3.75 per year on Amazon

Today, 12/31/18 only, Amazon' got a reat deal on a 1-year subscription to Reader's Digest, only $3.75 per year!!  That's 10 issues for 35 cents per issue!  BTW, you can give this as a gift subscription and Reader's Digest subscriptions make great presents.

More popular annual subscriptions the start at $3.575 can be found here on Amazon (good today, 12/31/18 only!).

It does auto-renew, but no worries, here's what you do to fix that: right after you subscribe, under your Amazon account, click on the Manage Magazine Subscriptions link, find Reader's Digest and deselect the auto-renewal option.  Voila, no more auto-renewal!

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