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Phillips Sonicare Essence Electric Rechargeable Toothbrush for $19.95 on Amazon

Amazon has got this Phillips Sonicare Essence Sonic Electric Rechargeable Toothbrush for $19.95 with free Prime shipping. It got 4.1 out of 5 stars over 8,586 customer reviews.
  • Allow the handle to charge a full 24hrs before its first use. The handle could be left on the charger at all times to ensure constant charge.
  • Removes up to 2x more plaque than a manual toothbrush. Includes 1 e-Series brush head 9standard)
  • Patented sonic technology: Dynamic fluid action helps clean between teeth and along the gumline
  • 2 minute timer helps ensure recommended brushing time
  • Rechargeable toothbrush with 2 weeks lifetime between charges
  • Reminder bristles fade away when brush head replacement is needed
I'm a huge fan of Sonicare toothbrushes.  A number of years ago, I was diagnosed with gum disease and had to have a "root planing and scaling" treatment, which was seriously not fun at all.  After the treatment, one of the things my dentist strongly recommended was getting a good electric toothbrush. I was pretty skeptical about whether or not making such an easy, obvious change would make any difference.

But I did get a Sonicare, and a month later, I got one of the best dental checkups that I had in years.  I've been using it religiously since then, and my teeth and gums have been getting better and stronger ever since.  I now have no trace of gum disease at all and even better, dental cleanings and checkups are no longer something to be anxious about, thanks to using my Sonicare.

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