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TODAY, 12/17/18 ONLY: Up to 30% off kosher gourmet treats from Oh! Nuts on Amazon

Today, 12/17/18 only, as part of their Gold Box Deal of the Day, Amazon has got up to 30% off these gourmet kosher treats from Oh! Nuts

FYI, all food items from Oh! Nuts are certified Kosher under the strict supervision of OK laboratories. Packaged products bear a reliable certification on the packaging.  Please note that almost all the packages included in the Gold Box deal that have chocolate are dairy (chalav stam).

Since everything here ships free with Prime, I'm going to pick up one or two of these Oh! Nuts packages to keep for hostess gifts or to freeze for Mishloach Manot. Some of these Gold Box prices are even less expensive than these treats cost in the Oh! Nuts store.

For example, the Oh! Nuts Chocolate Wishes Gift Set with 20 handmade gourmet chocolates (OK-dairy) pictured at the top of this post is priced at $13.99 with free Prime shipping.  These are going in my freezer for Shalach Manos.  (They cost $19.99 on the Oh! Nuts website.)

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