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Amazon Tablecloth Deals Roundup for Passover

If you're shopping for long tablecloths for Passover, this is still one of the best deals around:  Amazon has this 90" x 156" wrinkle- and stain-resistant tablecloth for $14.69 with free Prime shipping.

Other sizes:
These tablecloths and napkins are not going to be among your finest linens, but they are durable, wrinkle-free, wash out beautifully, and are a real boon during an 8 day holiday that is replete with huge meals and laundering restrictions.  You can dress them up with a pretty runner and creative place settings.  I think using one of these tablecloths is much nicer than covering a fine tablecloth with plastic, but that's just me.

You'll find other lengths and colors of these tablecloths here.

More tablecloth deals:

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