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And the Winner of the Party City Chanukah Giveaway is....

12/15/11:  We have a winner!  <The envelope please....>

Congratulations to Moshe S. of Brooklyn, New York!

Thank you to all who entered.  We'll be doing another one of these giveaways very soon.  A freilichin Chanukah!


Want your Chanukah table to look like this one?  (Isn't it fun?)  Enter the Party City Chanukah Giveaway for your chance to win the following Chanukah party package:
  • 1 Hanukkah Confetti Mix 1 1/8oz. 
  • 1 Happy Hanukkah Glitter Cutout 18"  
  • 1 Hanukkah Large Letter Banner 10 3/4'
  • 2 Watercolor Dreidel Plastic Tablecovers 54" x 96" 
  • 20 Watercolor Dreidel Lunch Napkins 
  • 20 Watercolor Dreidel Lunch Plates  
  • 16 Watercolor Dreidel Paper Cups   
  • 16 Plastic Caribbean Forks
  • 16 Plastic Caribbean Spoons
  • 16 Plastic Caribbean Knives  
  • 2 Hanukkah Table Decorating Kits 15-pc., each of which includes:
    • 2 Honeycomb Dreidel Centerpieces, 5" high
    • 1 Menorah Honeycomb Centerpiece, 12" high
    • 12 Star of David Table Scatters
  • 20 Royal Blue Balloons
  • 2 Jumbo Dreidels 2 3/4"
  • 1 White Curling Ribbon 66'
  • 1 Ice Blue Crepe Streamer 81'  
  • 1 Bright Royal Blue Crepe Streamer 81'
  • 2 Cobalt Bowl Jewel Tone 11 1/4"
Wow, that's a lot of stuff!  The very generous folks at Party City want your Chanukah to be one to remember so they are offering a whopper of a giveaway on DailyCheapskate. A winner will be drawn at random on December 14, 2011.  Here are three ways to enter (you can do one, two or all three!) plus one *extra way for all my fellow blogging buddies out there.  When you comment on the blog, don't choose the "Anonymous" profile.  Select the "Name/URL" profile and just leave the URL part blank.  Sorry, I know the commenting format here is hinky; I have very little control over it.  

1. Like DailyCheapskate on Facebook.  Leave a comment below this post telling me you've done so, along with your name and email address in this format:  frugalskate-at-gmail-dot-com.  This will get you one entry.  If you've already liked DailyCheapskate on Facebook (I like you too), leave a comment below with your name and email address.  You must leave a name and email address because otherwise I have no way of confirming that you have liked the DailyCheapskate page.

2. Subscribe to DailyCheapskate's once-daily email. Leave a comment below this post telling me you've done so along with your email address in this format:  frugalskate-at-gmail-dot-com.  This will get you one entry.  If you already subscribed, please leave a comment below with your email address.  If you don't leave an email address, I have no way of confirming that you've subscribed.

3. Post the following in your Facebook status (and make it "public" so that I can check it...this part is VERY important) "I'm entering DailyCheapskate's Party City Chanukah giveaway. You can too! http://tinyurl.com/pcchanukahgiveaway"  Comment below with your name and email address and let me know you've done this.  One entry for each time that you do this (you must comment below with your name and email address each time).  You get two entries if you do this and also tag DailyCheapskate's Facebook page.

( *4. Fellow bloggers, if you blog about this giveaway and include a link to it, you will get four (countem, four) entries into this giveaway.  Can't beat that with a stick.  Please make sure you let me know by emailing me at frugalskate@gmail.com and (this part is very important) send me the url of your post so I can confirm it.  This can be in addition to any of your other entries.)

Lots of ways to enter and lots of ways to win this fantastic giveaway (retail value $50).  I'll choose a winner via Random.org on December 14, 2011.  You must be aged 18 or over, live in the continental United States, not be an employee of Party City, and not be my husband (sorry honey) to be eligible. Ready, set, enter!


  1. Beth Adler11/28/2011

    i already liked you on facebook!

  2. I have already liked you on facebook.

  3. I subscribed to your once daily email.

  4. I liked you on Facebook. gingyred429-at-gmail-dot-com.

  5. I already subscribe to your email. andrew_ball-at-penn-dot-edu

  6. I liked you on Facebook. bjohnson9867-at-yahoo-dot-com.

  7. I liked you on Facebook, posted just a bit ago, and will be blogging about it and posting a link on my website

    My email is NPurvis@NikolPurvis.com
    My blogsite is nikolpurviswriter.blogspot.com
    and my website is www.NikolPurvis.com


    The website and blog will be up by tomorrow.

  8. Anonymous11/28/2011

    I already like you (or is it liked) on fb....and I already subsbribe to cheapskate...so what else do I need to do to enter the contest? Karen
    kmschotten at aol dot com

  9. well, since my brain didn't connect with my fingers (was saying the dots and ats in my head and my fingers said no more coffee please) I will try this again..

    I have liked you on Facebook, and have now blogged about it. I will be posting it on my website tomorrow as a favored link (if you could send me a photo of sort you would like to have up)

    my email is NPurvis-at-NikolPurvis-dot-com
    My website is www-dot-NikolPurvis-dot-com
    My blogsite is NikolPurvis-dot-blogspot-dot-com

    Thanks Nikol

  10. Anonymous11/28/2011

    I have liked this page, have subscribed to the email and posted the statement - eharkavy_at_erols_dot_com

  11. Anonymous11/29/2011

    I liked this page and subscribed to the email and posted to my status. jandgsmom@gmail.com

  12. Anonymous11/29/2011

    I liked you on facebook!! And Subscribed to your emails! And posted to my status

  13. Anonymous11/29/2011

    Subscribed to your daily email! nachum-at-hurvitzfamily-dot-com

  14. Anonymous11/29/2011

    liked on facebook natan.edelman-at-gmail-dot-com

  15. Giveaway entrants, when leaving a comment, please don't use the "Anonymous" option. Use the "Name/URL" option (leave URL blank) and don't forget to include your NAME and EMAIL ADDRESS so I can confirm your entry (if you don't include your name and email, I won't be able to count your entry). If you've already entered, feel free to re-enter with the correct info. Thanks!

  16. liked you on facebook
    posted it on facebook
    tagged you on facebook
    already get your daily email


  17. I added this as a public facebook post as Larry Lennhoff.

  18. I'm subbed! renalevin-at-aol-dot-com

  19. Anonymous11/30/2011

    Frayda Prince I liked DailyCheapskate on Facebook. way325-at-yahoo-dot-com

  20. Anonymous11/30/2011

    I signed up for your e-mail menuchaprince-at-gmail-dot-com

  21. Anonymous11/30/2011

    I posted on my facebook status. Frayda Menucha way325-at-yahoo-dot-com

  22. Anonymous11/30/2011

    i like you on facebook

  23. Anonymous11/30/2011

    i subscribe to your daily emails

  24. I like you on facebook. carolineemb-at-facebook-dot-com.

  25. I posted it on Facebook, made it public, and tagged Daily Cheapskate. carolineemb-at-facebook-dot-com.

  26. I posted on fb and liked your page.
    lisa s

  27. i like your facebook page

  28. i get your newsletter emabauman-at-gmail-dot-com

  29. posted on facebook

  30. Savta Gitta11/30/2011

    Done! Posted on FB

  31. status is up with tag!Ayelet May ayelet613-at-gmail-dot-com

  32. Michal E.12/07/2011

    liked DailyCheapskate on facebook, subscribed to DailyCheapskate's once-daily e-mail, & posted the following comment in my status & made it public: "I'm entering DailyCheapskate's Party City Chanukah giveaway. You can too! http://tinyurl.com/pcchanukahgiveaway"

    keeping my fingers crossed!

  33. Anonymous12/07/2011

    From Michal E.
    Sorry forgot to put in my e-mail address. michelle.orlansky@gmail.com

  34. Marilyn Balassi12/09/2011

    I liked you on Facebook! Marilyn Balassi

  35. Michelle michelle.yadegari@gmail.com12/11/2011

    I want to win!

  36. Rebecca starr12/11/2011

    I'm a follower! Would love this! Rivkastarr@yahoo.com

  37. Paulette12/11/2011

    I like you on facebook! Paulette Posner; rabbipaulette at mac dot com

  38. Paulette12/11/2011

    Subscribed to your daily email; Paulette Posner, paulette dot posner at gmail dot com

  39. Anonymous12/12/2011

    LIKED on Facebook and subscribed to email :)
    Name. Irina Liberman
    Email. iliberman05@yahoo.com

  40. Liked page, subscribed to emails already and just posted on facebook (but wont let me tag groups only people).


    rachel at joshandrachel dot net

  41. Anonymous12/12/2011

    Like on fb and subscribers to email
    Name: gila kopolovitz
    Email: gilakop@yahoo.com

  42. Anonymous12/12/2011

    Subscribed to email
    My name shmuel kopolovitz
    My email is shmuelkopz@yahoo.com

  43. Anonymous12/13/2011

    Thank you so much for the giveaway! My friend Joy will be overjoyed for this giveaway, but she's not on facebook, so it's up to me! Good luck everyone...Hanakah is just a week away! Kelly Mahoney luvlife21@yahoo.com

  44. Anonymous12/13/2011

    subscribed to the daily email. cleds-at-hotmail-dot-com


  45. I have been a subscriber for a couple of months, love the blog!
    nachbar dot jenny at gmail dot com

  46. Anonymous12/14/2011

    I liked daily cheapskate on facebook
    brachad at hotmail dot com

  47. Anonymous12/14/2011

    (the above comment was from bracha komarov)
    that i liked cheapskate on facebook
    brachad at hotmail dot com

  48. Anonymous12/14/2011

    i shared this page info on facebook
    bracha komarov
    brachad at hotmail dot com
